Friday, March 13, 2009

Bookmark Drawings

Those are two images I made about the social bookmarking feature for basie. I went with the tab feature because I thought that would be an easy way to navigate through the bookmarks especially if users have many different levels. The "New Bookmarks" tab is like an update of new bookmarks that the user has permission to see. So either group bookmarks or global bookmarks. This may not be necessary, if we include newly created bookmarks as part of the events log or some other page where the suer can get updates. The "New Bookmark" button will be available in every tab and clicking on it, will cause a dialog box to appear with the appropriate fields to craete a new window. The default "Share with" option will depend on the context in which the "Create Bookmark" button was selected and in "New Bookmarks" I'm not sure what the default should be yet. Right now it says "Nobody" but I think that should be "Everybody". The options will be "Nobody", "Group", "Everybody".

I haven't worked out what to do if the user is part of several groups and wants specific bookmarks for each group. I'm also not sure what to do about editing bookmarks either. I think that users should only be able to edit bookmarks that they created, but allowed to comment of every bookmark. This is something I have not included in the above sketches.

This is it for now. Thanks!

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